Welcome to our School Staff page. We are very proud of all of our Staff, they work incredibly hard, day in day out, ensuring that together, every child thrives.
Hannah woodruffe, Academy Head
Mrs Woodruffe is our Academy Head and Designated Safeguarding Lead.
Mrs Woodruffe can be contacted by email at: h.woodruffe@consortiumtrust.org.uk
Lauren Arnold, sendco and inclusion lead
Mrs Arnold is SENDCO and inclusion Lead.
Mrs Arnold can be contacted by email at: l.arnold@consortiumtrust.org.uk
Mrs Cook is an Assistant Academy Head, Phase Leader for EYFS and Aztecs Class Teacher. Mrs Cook is also a Assistant Safeguarding Lead.
Mrs Cook can be contacted by email at: k.cook@consortiumtrust.org.uk
Joel vaughan, assistant academy head
Mr Vaughan is an Assistant Academy Head.
Mr Vaughan can be contacted by email at: j.vaughan@consortiumtrust.org.uk
Simon roper, year 5 and 6 class teacher
Mr Roper is Saxons Class Teacher and part of the KS2 team at Rendlesham.
Mr Roper can be contacted by email at: s.roper@consortiumtrust.org.uk
zoe drackford, nursery class teacher
Mrs Drackford is Nursery Class Teacher and part of the Early Years Team at Rendlesham.
Mrs Drackford can be contacted by email at:
Darcy Gleeson, Year 1 and 2 Class Teacher
Miss Gleeson is Egyptians Class Teacher and part of the KS1Team at Rendlesham.
Miss Gleeson can be contacted by email at: d.gleeson@consortiumtrust.org.uk
Ben Gooding, Year 1 and 2 Class Teacher
Mr Gooding is Incas Class Teacher and part of the KS1 Team at Rendlesham.
Mr Gooding can be contacted by email at: b.gooding@consortiumtrust.org.uk
Rachael Watkins, Year 3 and 4 Class TEacher
Miss Watkins is Mayans Class Teacher and part of the LKS2 team.
Miss Watkins can be contacted by email at: r.watkins@consortiumtrust.org.uk
Michelle Fairweather, year 3 and 4 class teacher
Mrs Fairweather is Mayans Class Teacher and part of the LKS2 team.
Mrs Fairweather can be contacted by email at: m.fairweather@consortiumtrust.org.uk
JOnathan wake, Year 3 and 4 class teacher
Mr Wake is Romans class teacher and part of the LKS2 team.
Mr Wake can be contacted by email at: j.wake@consortiumtrust.org.uk
Danielle macey, Year 5 and 6 Class Teacher
Mrs Macey is Vikings Class Teacher and part of the KS2 Team at Rendlesham. Mrs Macey is Wellbeing Champion for the school and part of our Trust Wellbeing Forum.
Mrs Macey can be contacted by email at: d.macey@consortiumtrust.org.uk
Lily Lloyd, year 1 and 2 class teacher
Miss Lloyd is Greeks Class Teacher and part of the KS1 Team at Rendlesham.
Miss Cornell can be contacted by email at: l.lloyd@consortiumtrust.org.uk
Laura Atherton, Year 3 and 4 class Teacher
Ms Atherton is Normans Class Teacher and part of the KS2 Team at Rendlesham.
Ms Atherton can be contacted by email at: l.atherton@consortiumtrust.org.uk
Jeanette berg, Year 5 and 6 Class Teacher
Miss Berg is Trojans Class Teacher and part of the KS2 Team at Rendlesham.
Miss Berg can be contacted by email at: j.berg@consortiumtrust.org.uk
lauren brunning, Reception teacher
Mrs Brunning is Aztecs class teacher and part of the EYFS team.
Mrs Brunning can be contacted by email at: lauren.brunning@consortiumtrust.org.uk
Clare Skelcher, year 3 and 4 teacher
Miss Skelcher is Normans Class Teacher and part of the KS2 Team at Rendlesham.
Miss Skelcher can be contacted by email at: c.skelcher@consortiumtrust.org.uk
Kieran Fisher, Specialist Higher Level Teaching Assistant
Mr Fisher works with children across all age groups in our school as a Specialist HLTA and is responsible for our P.E provision.
Rebecca Buckles, Higher Level Teaching Assistant
Mrs Buckles works with children across all age groups in our school as a HLTA.
Amy Adams, Higher Level teaching assistant
Miss Adams is an HLTA working with the EYFS children.
Mrs Kersey works in our Reception classes as a Teaching Assistant.
Olivia Dunnett, Teaching Assistant
Miss Dunnett works with children across all age groups in our school as a Teaching Assistant.
Becky Harrison, Teaching Assistant
Mrs Harrison works with children across all age groups in our school as a Teaching Assistant.
Mrs Villa works with children across all age groups in our school as a Teaching Assistant.
Mrs Kemp works with children across all age groups in our school as a Teaching Assistant. She also heads our Eco Committee.
Michelle aspinall, TEACHING ASSISTANT
Mrs Aspinall works with children across all age groups in our school as a Teaching Assistant.
Gemma Rayner, teaching assistant
Miss Rayner works with children across all age groups in our school as a Teaching Assistant.
mark potter,Teaching assistant and breakfast club assistant
Mr Potter is a Teaching Assistant supporting children across all ages. He also runs our Breakfast Club.
Jenna wallace, Teaching Assistant
Mrs Wallace is a Teaching Assistant supporting children across all ages.
leanne Dodwell, teaching assistant
Miss Dodwell is a Teaching Assistant supporting children across all ages.
Sarah Baldwin, teaching assistant
Mrs Baldwin is a Teaching Assistant supporting children across all ages.
Kat Stark, teaching assistant
Mrs Stark is a Teaching Assistant supporting children across all ages.
Miss Sefton-Etheridge
Miss Sefton-Etheridge is a Teaching Assistant supporting children across all ages.
Justine Dowsett, teaching assistant
Miss Dowsett is a Teaching Assistant supporting children across all ages.
KATHY Watts, Office Manager
Mrs Watts is our School Office Manager and an Assistant Safeguarding Lead. Email: office.rendlesham@consortiumtrust.org.uk
LUCY WELLS, Admin assistant
Mrs Wells works in the office supporting Mrs Watts. Email: office.rendlesham@consortiumtrust.org.uk
Deanna Jacobs, Midday Supervisor
Miss Jacobs supervises the children at lunchtimes.
Bella hemmings-smith, Midday supervisor
Mrs Hemmings-Smith supervises the children at lunchtimes.
Carla Salter, Midday supervisor
Mrs Salter supervises the children at lunchtimes.
Vanessa Shutlar, midday supervisor
Mrs Shutlar supervises the children at lunchtimes.
The Consortium Trust support and actively promote Trade Union and Professional Body membership with our staff. We see effective and collaborative partnership working between the Trust Leadership and Management and recognised bodies as essential to the successful operation of our schools and establishments but does not currently have any paid Trade Union representatives within our Staff.
In Norfolk, teaching unions have set up a website that grades schools on how they treat their employees, Glebeland Primary, has been awarded the maximum 18points:
Consortium recognises all six of the Teaching Unions including the new National Education Union (NUT/ATL) along with Unison and the GMB. The Trust and the recognised Trade Unions have agreed to set up a JCC (Joint Consultative Committee); please view the Terms of Reference below.